Common superclass for TimeSeriesSource implementations that want to reuse the existing TimeSeriesQuery implementations.

When implementing this abstract class, only a name and a getter for the NativeQueryBuilderFactoryFn need to be provided.




fullName: "polaris-sloc.time-series-sources.Prometheus" = PrometheusTimeSeriesSource.fullName

The fully qualified name of this TimeSeriesSource.

fullName: "polaris-sloc.time-series-sources.Prometheus" = 'polaris-sloc.time-series-sources.Prometheus'


  • Creates a new TimeInstantQuery that selects all TimeSeries that have the specified metricName.

    The TimeSeries resulting from this query will have a single sample each.

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • appName: string

      The name of the application, for which to get the metrics. In PromQL this is the beginning of the metric name, before the first underscore (e.g., 'myapp' for the metric 'myapp_response_time'), while in Flux this is the name of the bucket.

    • metricName: string

      The name of the metric that should be selected (i.e., the rest of the metric name in PromQL or the value of the _measurement column in Flux).

    Returns LabelFilterableTimeInstantQuery<T>

    A new TimeInstantQuery that allows filtering on labels.

  • Creates a new TimeRangeQuery that selects all TimeSeries within the specified time range that have the specified metricName.

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • appName: string

      The name of the application, for which to get the metrics. In PromQL this is the beginning of the metric name, before the first underscore (e.g., 'myapp' for the metric 'myapp_response_time'), while in Flux this is the name of the bucket.

    • metricName: string

      The name of the metric that should be selected (i.e., the rest of the metric name in PromQL or the value of the _measurement column in Flux).

    • range: TimeRange

      The TimeRange within which the selected samples of the TimeSeries should lie.

    Returns LabelFilterableTimeRangeQuery<T>

    A new TimeRangeQuery that allows filtering on labels.

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