A ComposedMetricSource that fetches composed metrics from Prometheus.

Naming Scheme: Composed metrics that are stored in Prometheus use the following naming scheme:


// Group Version Kind string of the SLO Target resource.

// Namespace of the SLO Target resource (not to be confused with the `namespace` label added by Prometheus).

// Name of the SLO Target resource.

// Path of the composed value metric property that this time series represents.
// Prometheus can only store single valued metrics. This is used to decompose
// a multi-valued metric (i.e., an object) into multiple single values (see examples below).

metricType is the snake case version of the respective ComposedMetricType.instance.metricTypeName. metricType can also be inferred from a MetricMapping CRD by using the snake case of <crd_api_group>_<crd_kind_without_metric_mapping_suffix>. For example:

// CRD:
apiVersion: metrics.polaris-slo-cloud.github.io/v1
kind: CostEfficiencyMetricMapping

// Prometheus time series name:

Multi-valued composed metric example: Since Prometheus supports only a single floating point value per metric sample, we store the properties of a composed metric object using multiple samples and a classifier label. For example:

// Composed metric object:
a: 100,
b: {
c: 1.1,
d: 2.2,

// Prometheus samples:
polaris_composed_example_metric{target_gvk="apps/v1/Deployment", target_namespace="default", target_name="test" metric_prop_key="a"} 100
polaris_composed_example_metric{target_gvk="apps/v1/Deployment", target_namespace="default", target_name="test" metric_prop_key="b.c"} 1.1
polaris_composed_example_metric{target_gvk="apps/v1/Deployment", target_namespace="default", target_name="test" metric_prop_key="b.d"} 2.2

Single-valued composed metric example: Composed metrics that consist of a single value only use '.' as the prop_key.

polaris_composed_single_valued_metric{target_gvk="apps/v1/Deployment", target_namespace="default", target_name="test" metric_prop_key="."} 100

Type Parameters

  • V

    The TypeScript type that represents the values of the composed metric.




metricMappingManager: ComposedMetricMappingManager
metricParams: ComposedMetricParams
metricsSource: MetricsSource
orchestrator: OrchestratorGateway
query: TimeInstantQuery<number>

The query that yields the composed metric.


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