The configuration of a Cost Efficiency SLO Mapping.


  • CostEfficiencySloConfig


minRequestsPercentile?: number

The minimum percentile of requests that should be faster than responseTimeThresholdMs.

A low cost efficiency value can indicate either a) that the system cannot handle a very high load or, b) that the load is very low and the system has too many resources. The minRequestsPercentile is used to distinguish these two cases.

If the cost efficiency is low and the number of requests faster than the threshold is below this percentile, we know that we are dealing with case a), i.e., the SLO compliance percentage will be above 100% (e.g., more resources are needed).

Whereas, if the number of requests faster than the threshold is above this percentile, we know that we are dealing with case b), i.e., the SLO compliance percentage will be below 100% (e.g., resources can be reduced).


responseTimeThresholdMs: 500 | 1000 | 10000 | 100 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 250 | 2500 | 5000

The response time threshold in milliseconds, below which all requests should be answered, i.e., ideally all responses should be faster than this value.

targetCostEfficiency: number

The desired cost efficiency value.



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